Sunday, February 26, 2012

The following was written on Friday, February 24, at the end of this update you will notice that I mentioned that the internet was starting to get sketchy….well, it did go out completely and I am just now getting the opportunity to publish this post….

As of today I have officially been in Brasil for one month and I can’t believe how fast the time has gone by.  I have been at Nepo for exactly two weeks now and would like to give you a glimpse into my life here. I waited to write another update, because to be honest….the first week was definitely a difficult transition….however, it is amazing the difference that a week can make.  Let me start at the beginning….

My first week here, I was pretty much completely overwhelmed by the language barrier….it was sink or swim and I was drowning a little more each day.  It didn’t help that I was having major computer issues and not only could I not get my laptop to work, but almost every attempt I made to connect using other people’s computers ended in failure as well.   Let’s just say that the combination of not being able to communicate with people here and not having any communication with people back home for a month definitely got to me and by my fourth night here, I was absolutely in tears. 

Well, my situation hasn’t changed any….I still can’t speak Portuguese like I need or want to and I still can’t get my computer to work, but thankfully God has changed my perspective and my attitude.  I know that His power is made perfect in my weaknesses and every day I have seen how His grace is more than sufficient for me….2 Corinthians 12:9-10  has pretty much become my life verse right now….along with Joshua 1: 7-9  : )

So, what does a typical day in Nepo look like for me?  Well, first off, there is no such thing as a “typical” day, but I do have a very rough schedule worked out….In the mornings I am scheduled to work with the little kids from around 8 until lunch time.  These 10 kids live with the director and his wife and range in age from about 11 months to 8 years old.  For the first week, it was just me by myself with the four youngest and when you don’t speak the language and when they don’t understand that you don’t understand them, it doesn’t make for a good combination….let’s just say that I’m very thankful that none of them ended up dead or severely injured : )   But praise the Lord, Jessica is here now and while she doesn’t speak the language either, it definitely helps having another pair of eyes and hands and at least we have fun being lost together : )   I do love helping out with the young kids….they are so very cute and loveable.  Most mornings we take them for walks or play in the “park” with them which is pretty much just an area of dirt with two swings and a sandbox with no sand.  After we get them all dirty and tired out, we return them to the house where we help shower them and get them ready for lunch. 

After lunch, I get to spend a little bit of time with the other boys and then around 1ish, I help Marcela with her work.  Marcela is one of the full-time missionaries here and she has been an absolute joy to work with.  She is so sweet and compassionate and thankfully she speaks a tiny bit of English, so between her limited English and my limited Portuguese we generally can figure each other out…..although, I’m pretty sure a lot of things are lost in translation : )  We’ve been doing a variety of tasks like organizing the boys’ rooms and lockers, making name cards for their shelves and beds, and when school is in session, we also help the boys with their homework.  We work until dinner and then I’m technically “finished,” but after dinner has definitely been a highlight in my day.  This is when I really have a chance to spend time with the boys…playing games, doing puzzles, trying to have them teach me Portuguese and attempting to answer their questions about how certain Portuguese words are said in English.  It really is great fun and I am so enjoying getting to know these boys….I can’t quite explain what an absolute privilege and blessing it is to see the faces that I have been praying for come to life.  I am so loving being here and am so thankful for this opportunity that God has blessed me with.  I could go on and on with stories and tidbits I’d love to share, but the internet is starting to get sketchy again and so I better sign off for now…


  1. Just finished reading your updates out loud to Chad and Abby. What an adventure you are having! We love you and are praying for you! BTW, I cringed so bad hearing of the bats flying over head. LOL
    Blessings upon you and the ministry God has for you there!

    1. It definitely has been quite an adventure so far :) Thank you for your prayers! Love you all and miss you guys!

  2. Sounds like quite an adventure that God has you on! Thanks for sharing it with us. You are my hero with the bug thing!! yuck! Continuing to pray for your safety and that God would use you for His Glory to bless those you come in contact with and to continue to stretch you in His service.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers....they are so needed! God has most certainly blessed me with quite the adventure so far and I can´t wait to see what He´s going to do in the next few months :)

  3. So happy that someone put up your blog link on FB so that I can follow your adventure along. So glad you are helping at Nepo and I realize the Freemans would love to have you as well. There is a big shortage of workers all over and it is thrilling to me that you were willing to go; may the Lord bless you richly! Love, Lilly Shurance

    1. Well, I´m not the best writer and I don´t have much time to write, but it´s nice having a way to keep people updated :) There is definitely a shortage of workers everywhere and I am so blessed to be able to help here!

  4. Katy I'm so happy to read everything that is going on with you! It's so crazy to think that you've been gone for a full month! I'm so happy to hear about the adventures and wish i could've cried along with you when you felt so lost and then so alone. I do really hope the internet starts working better for you so we can be more in touch...but thank the Lord for this way of communication! I heard your apartment was robbed? Is everything ok and did you lose any personal belongings? I will be praying that you feel God's peace moving forward. I know you are a blessing there...i love you and miss you! and you're in my constant prayers :) -Leah

    1. LEAH!!! Oh how I miss you guys! It´s definitely crazy to think that I´ve been gone for over a month now....time is flying by and yet at the same time, it feels like it´s been forever since I´ve seen you!
      I too hope the internet works better...mine was fixed, but the past few days it hasn´t been working and even right now, I´m on someone else´s computer because mine still won´t connect...but I am thankful that I can use other peoples from time to time.
      Yes, I did lose some personal belongings...all my money that I had brought down, my cell phone, pocket knife, etc. were taken. But thankfully everything they took were just "things" and nothing irreplaceable was taken.
      Thank you for your prayers! I love you and miss you so much!

  5. Hello Katy, here is the Ualifer! Okay?
    These days I was on facebook and looking for something that I do not think happened, I found the link of this blog, I was curious, I decided to look at. But something seemed familiar: it was the word "Nepo" is like my English is not very good, I translated the text with google translator, (kkkkk). However there was something more that I remembered someone, without reading the poster, I recognized one more thing. I could see the love of the work cited by the warmth and joy contained in the posting. When I reached the end of the text was there, "posted by Katy." So I thought, how come I did not realize it was this wonderful person, so kind and sweet that speaks of a noble cause! Simply Katy!
    Glory to God for his life, his ministry, that love the work of Christ. I am very happy to receive you (family adonai) here at the church, are always here with much joy and cheer us as well (every Friday I'm rehearsing a few words in English to talk to you on Saturday, kkkkkk). I am also very happy to receive Presbyterian congregation in the village you Menezes!
    And always good to be around people who value the work of God.
    Hug! Ualifer

    1. Oi Alifer! Muito obrigado por seu gentil e comentários encorajadores! Como o divertimento que eles estavam em Inglê estou usando tradutor do Google também e eu espero que isso faz sentido :)
      Nós também adoram vir para a sua igreja aos sábados e são sempre muito feliz de poder ter seu grupo vir a nossa igreja também. Como você disse, é definitivamente bom estar perto de pessoas que valorizam o trabalho de Deus.
      -Katy :)
