So even though I am not currently at Nepo, I thought I would write a brief update on what I am doing for the time being. I am presently back in PA and absolutely loving the time home with family and friends J I am cherishing this time as I know January will come all too quickly and again I will find myself saying goodbye to the ones I love in this hemisphere. Lord-willing, I hope to be back down in Nepo by January, but before that can happen I need to get my volunteer visa. I am in the process of getting together all of the documents that have to be submitted by both myself and the orphanage before I can officially apply for the visa. During this process of obtaining my visa, I am also back to working at my brother’s chiropractic office. Along with working, I am attempting to become fluent in Portuguese over the next few months. However, the more I study the Portuguese language, the more I realize just how far from fluency I am, but hopefully I’ll be able to speak at least a bit better by the time I return J Lastly, I am desperately trying to get my knee back to regular working order…the process has been much slower than I anticipated and my progress is not nearly what I hoped it would be by now, but at least it’s been a great lesson in patience J
Finally, the real reason I decided to write the preceding update is because I wanted to upload the following videos and felt I had to write a few words first instead of simply posting the videos J I gave a presentation in my church this past Sunday about Nepo and my time there and used the first video at the beginning and the second video at the end of my presentation. The first video shows a glimpse into life at the home with video clips shot by Viktoria, myself, and some of the boys. The second video is just a sampling of the 9,700+ pictures I took during my time in Brasil J
Well, after all of that, I can’t figure out how to attach them below….instead, I’ve linked them to my Shutterfly share site. Unfortunately, the quality of the videos and pictures suffered greatly in the uploading process and I can’t figure out how to fix it, sorry about that...I hope you enjoy anyway!
P.S.- Make sure your sound is turned up J
P.S.- Make sure your sound is turned up J
A glimpse into life at clips taken by Viktoria, myself, and some of the boys.
A sampling of the 9,700+ pictures taken during my time in Brasil J